April 25, 2011
Del pasado
April 24, 2011
Del poema
April 11, 2011
In silence there is healing
I believe in silence. As a clinical psychologist, I spend my day talking. Therapy patients arrive on the hour and we talk. Sometimes the words are powerful, heart-wrenching, devastatingly true. Sometimes.
The silences always are. I’ve come to trust them more, and learned to translate their peculiar language. We speak volumes, you and I, in our silence.
There’s the silence of fear — fear that fills the space between us as you struggle to convince yourself that the risk of connection is worth taking. I sit a mile away, across a space littered with wounds I can only imagine. But I can imagine, my silence says, and I am still here.
There is the silence of withholding. Saying nothing, you convey your disbelief that words could do anything but make things worse. To speak a truth makes it real, and there is no going back. But you are here because you cannot go back, my silence responds.
There’s the silence of loss that knows no words, for which no words are big enough, or powerful enough or deep enough to convey what only silence can. I step into that devastated interior landscape to witness, silently. If we can stand together long enough, perhaps we can find a way to believe the loss will not kill us both.
I know the silence that follows just the right words, the ones that fall unbidden from my lips or yours, surprising us both with their astonishingly obvious truth. We collapse into that silence together, breathless. We sit softly in it, letting it surround us with echoes of meaning. The ripples it sends out will await another day for analysis or exploration. We know the truth now, it binds us together, and in this moment, that is enough.
I learned years ago, when I thought music might be my calling, that the notes are only tools. Music is made in the spaces between the notes, the phrasing, the transitions, the silences.
So, too, in this world of healing with words. Oh, I work hard at the words. I refine them, and parse them, and shape and color them for each person who shares their story with me. I work at them because they take us to the precipice, to the edge of the truth. But I believe in the silence: The all-knowing and unknowing, devastating silence that exists beyond that precipice. I believe in it because that is where the healing lies.
(But above all, I believe in cursilerías que me llegan after three weeks of not checking my mail)
April 10, 2011
Observación participante
Cerca del mediodía, los catrines, charros, chinas poblanas, payasos (muchos payasos), botargas de Mickey Mouse, de Winnie Pooh, del Dr. Simi, las mujeres, hombres, jóvenes, niños sin disfraz, la niña con una capa de Harry Potter, la muchacha en bikini con cabello de Medusa, el niño con una máscara de Darth Vader, recorren las calles de los siete barrios. Andan bailando por que detrás de ellos viene una banda de música oaxaqueña, toca sin ton ni son por varios minutos, los instrumentos hacen puro ruido y los payasos pitan sus diez mil silbatos. De repente, los músicos retoman la melodía y pareciera que no necesitan ponerse de acuerdo para saber cuál es la siguiente nota, tocan la Canción Mixteca, es entonces cuando la multitud enmascarada decide callarse y moverse al ritmo de lo que viene detrás y delante suyo: los otros.
April 9, 2011
La neutralidad
The bone is bleached white. The flesh is burnt black. The blood splashes scarlet. You can't render it in grays and pastels without losing sight of the truth."
April 7, 2011
Abril 6 del 2011
Nos acercamos a la multitud, donde había señoras con carrreolas, ancianos de guayabera, hipsters en bicicleta. Anduvimos flotando entre varios grupos, atravesamos lo inimaginable: electricistas, sorjuanistas, abogados, ambientalistas, itamitas, twitteractivistas, señoras de minifalda, oficinistas, ccheros, un par de policías. Esa marcha fue diversa. Fue generosa. Fue tranquila y pacífica.
En el Zócalo se leyeron varios poemas, la gente lloró. Los hombres se limpiaban las lágrimas lentamente, las señoras les besaban. Esa marcha fue sobre todo bella.
A los tres se nos enchinaba la piel con algunas palabras: Paz, hartazgo, cansancio, indignación. Los muertos son de todos, la guerra es de nadie. No sabíamos bien qué hacer... Así que nos abrazamos e hicimos lo que siempre debe hacerse: ofrecer nuestro silencio a cambio de que no se calle más. Escuchar, sólo escuchar.